chasse au trésor jeux en anglais

Chasses au trésor et Escape games
Téléchargez et imprimez nos kits clé en main pour organiser et animer facilement des fêtes et anniversaires d’enfants de 4 ans à 10 ans, d’ados et d’adultes – chasse au trésor jeux en anglais

Une Chasse au Trésor - foire au questions techniques chasse au trésor

Une Chasse au Trésor - chasse au trésor jeux en anglais Chasse au trésor jeux en anglais à télécharger

An easy-to-organise treasure hunt, which will turn your child’s party into an unforgettable moment! Games for children between 4 and 10 years old.

image téléchargement illimité

Téléchargements illimités

image jeux mixtes collectifs

Jeux mixtes collectifs

image préparation facile

Préparation facile

image énigmes et défis ludiques

Enigmes et défis ludiques

image téléchargement illimité

Téléchargements illimités

image jeux mixtes collectifs

Jeux mixtes collectifs

image préparation facile

Préparation facile

image énigmes et défis ludiques

Enigmes et défis ludiques

Treasure hunts, investigation games, paper chases, scavenger hunts

All our treasure hunts have been developed for both boys and girls so that each of your guests fully enjoys the story and dresses according his/her preference. Each theme has also been adapted to the age of the children: graphic design, vocabulary, riddles and challenges, duration of the game… Each hunt is available in 3 age groups. All the games available on our website can be held in- or outdoor and have been tested “under field conditions” during birthday parties.

What do you purchase exactly?

Our website is dedicated to treasure hunts for children. We are selling ready-to-use paper chases that you can simply upload and print.
Everything you need is included in the kit you are purchasing: from the decoration to the invitations, the diplomas, the fancy dress accessories, and of course the hunt itself (hiding places, riddles, challenges). Our kits enable you to organise hunts lasting more than 2 hours, with children aged between 4 and 10.

You will need some time to print, cut, glue and assemble the different items. But not all of them are compulsory. To facilitate your choices, we have specified in each hunt what is essential, recommended or only optional. You can then make your selection according to your needs and the time you have available.
It will take you a minimum of 1 hour to prepare the treasure hunt itself and between 2 and 4 additional hours for the rest of the items (invitations, diplomas, decorations, fancy dress accessories, etc.).

Our kits are ready to print and comprise several PDF documents for download, as well as additional items, which vary from one hunt to another (such as MP3 sounds, videos, etc.). Our hunts are based on an original concept which combines plots, search for clues, puzzle solving and funny challenges in the form of small games embedded in the story.

Our commitment to quality

Our treasure hunts are intended to younger children who are not yet capable of reading (kits 4-5 years) but also to older children eager to solve puzzles and mysteries (kits 6-7 years and 8-10 years). The proposed activities are primarily meant to be fun and educational.

Each game is an original adventure in which the children have to solve different puzzles in order to complete their quest. Our games enable them to cooperate to attain a common objective: discover where the treasure is hided or identify the culprit. The cooperative games we are proposing allow everyone to have fun without the frustration of having “failed”. No particular technical skills or physical abilities are needed to participate actively in our treasure hunts.
Our hunts are much appreciated during festive occasions and will enable your children and their friends to live out a story in which they are the heroes!

We test every hunt with children to ensure that the design but also the difficulty level are adapted to the different age groups. Our concept is constantly evolving thanks to your comments and we also work tirelessly on further developments!

Liens utiles : chasse au trésor, escape game, chasse au trésor jeux en anglais

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Conception La Compagnie des Fifre - © 2017-2022

Conception La Compagnie des Fifre - © 2017-2022 Tous droits réservés


le jeu du moment

image annonceNiels Jambe-de-Bois était le plus rusé et le plus avide des pirates des Caraïbes. La légende raconte qu’il a même réussi à voler les trésors de Barbe-Noire et Rakham-le-Rouge. Mais personne n’a jamais pu trouver l’endroit où il avait caché ses monceaux de pièces d’or, de bijoux et de pierres précieuses. Jusqu’à aujourd’hui ? Peut-être…

Un grand jeu de piste plein d’aventures, de défis et de mystères pour apprentis pirates et sirènes !


9,4/10 (937 avis)
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